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ACUPUNCTURE The Ancient Chinese believed in what they called “Qi” or “Chi” (pronounced ‘chee’) or “a universal life energy,” which flows through the body via channels or meridians, and can be accessed at specific points on the body by the use of acupuncture needles. Today, most of these acupuncture points have been proven to have a much higher electrical charge than other areas of the body. Therefore, when inserting a needle into these areas, the surrounding nerves are stimulated. This tells the brain to send out the body’s natural healing responses, such as endorphins, which will reduce pain, inflammation and stress, while at the same time boosting the body’s immune system. Acupuncture points can become blocked or devoid of “Qi” leading to physical, mental, emotional and/or spiritual dysfunction. Treatment with acupuncture needles serves to normalize the “Qi” in these points; restoring homeostasis and helping the body find its best state of health. NEEDLES: Acupuncture needles do not need to be large to attain these results. In fact, most are extremely fine and flexible. Deep insertion of the needle is unnecessary. The “Qi,” or energy, is generally accessed by a very shallow insertion of the needle. The patient may or may not even feel the needle. If felt, the patient may experience a tingle, a dull ache, a quick electrical sensation, a distension or an itch at the insertion point along the meridian or channel which generally disappears after a few seconds. Acupuncture is very safe when performed by a Licensed Acupuncturist. Only single-use, disposable, factory-sterilized needles are utilized. All Licensed Acupuncturists are certified in Clean Needle Technique and all are required to comply with the rules and regulations promulgated by the Colorado Department of Health.
HERBAL MEDICINE The roots of modern Chinese Herbal Medicine go back at least as far as the Hun Dynasty (206 BC to 200 AD). Traditional herbal formulas are chosen for each individual by assessing a pattern of symptoms and formulating a Chinese diagnosis. We then match a group of herbs (formula) to the pattern or Chinese diagnosis. Rarely in Chinese Medicine are herbs used singularly. Herb formulas come in a variety of forms including: tea pills, capsules, tablets, powered and raw herbs which are made into teas. Powdered and raw herbs are easily customized and changed as the patient progresses or as a situation changes. The pre-formulated herbs are easy to take with you and don’t require preparation. We use all forms of herbal medicine in our practice. All herbs are GMP certified and tested for their chemical composition and purity. Although not all conditions absolutely require herbs, they can provide a stabilizing effect between acupuncture visits. Additional Modalities MOXIBUSTION Moxibustion, commonly referred to as “moxa,” is an adjunctive therapy that is used for the stimulation of energy. A Chinese herb, “Ai Ye,” (mug wart) is a species of Chrysanthemum that is prepared in sticks, cones or loose, and is burned on or over acupuncture points. The patient feels a mild warmth which penetrates deeply into the surrounding muscles, tissues and acupuncture meridians. This is a safe and relaxing therapy which has been used by Chinese Practitioners for centuries to treat such conditions as: painful joints, digestive problems, painful periods, menopausal symptoms and infertility. AURICULAR THERAPY Auricular stimulation was utilized by the Ancient Chinese, but has been further researched and developed in France. It has therefore been in more modern times that specific ear reflex points were mapped out. These reflex points can diagnose and treat many common complaints, such as: high blood pressure, chronic back pain, sciatica, headaches, insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression and substance abuse. In fact, auricular therapy is the primary mode of treatment for addictions, smoking control and drug detox. Practitioners are able to diagnose and treat a patient by first checking the ears for areas of discoloration, for papules, nodules, depressions, flakiness and tenderness. The treatment may consist of acupressure/massaging of the ear, needling, electrical stimulation and even seeds or pellets which may be taped to points for “at home” stimulation/treatment. Auricular therapy increases endorphins, the body’s natural pain-relieving hormone. It is a convenient modality of Chinese Medicine that produces quick, effective results with little to no side-effects. CUPPING Cupping is an art that has been used in Chinese Medicine for thousands of years. Over time it has developed into its own special therapeutic method. It is noted as far back as 28 AD when horns were used for the procedure. Modern day cupping utilizes glass or plastic cups. A cup is drained of air (creating a vacuum) and then applied to the skin. This causes a suction of the skin into the cup. A patient will experience some pulling and stretching of the skin, but no pain. Cupping works to regulate the flow of blood and Qi and draw out pathogenic factors. Cupping is generally used to treat muscle pain, arthritis, digestive and circulatory problems as well as respiratory conditions, such as the common cold and flu. DIETARY THERAPY Chinese dietary therapy is a personalized approach to eating. The energetic temperature, flavor and routes of action are analyzed for each food. Once the energetic properties of a food are identified they can be matched to an individual’s constitutional needs. Dietary therapy involves food preparation and consumption guidelines as well. At White Crane Medicine we prescribe comprehensive diet guidelines for fertility enhancement that combine the principles of Chinese Medicine with Western fertility diet recommendations. Then each diet is individualized for the patient’s personal situation and preferences. ![]() |
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